A Whisker Away movie
Miyo Sasaki is a energetic high school girl who comes from a broken family consisting of her father and an exceedingly invested stepmother, whose efforts at connecting with Miyo encounter as bothersome. Seeing Kento Hinode as a refuge out of all of her personal difficulties, she can not help herself out of forcing her unorthodox demonstrations of love on her crush.While Miyo is not able to capture Kento’s focus , she manages to be successful by interacting together in the kind of a white kitten, affectionately nicknamed”Tarou” by Kento. However, Miyo soon realizes she can not assist Kento together with the numerous difficulties she overhears in her cat form and is currently trapped between two choices that are tough. Can she continue her relationship with him as a kitty, or will she disclose her identity and hazard what they have, in order to assist him as her individual self?