Clockwork Planet anime
“The Clockwork Planet”
One day, a black box abruptly crashed to the home of their high school dropout Naoto Miura. The endless cycle of success and failure. The world which does alter and the humanity that doesn’t change. In a time where fantasy and reality are yelling, the experiences of those two create the gears of destiny move!
Alternative Titles
- English: Clockwork Planet
- Japanese: クロックワーク・プラネット
- Clockwork Planet manga
- Type: TV
- Audio: English
- Episodes: 12
- Status: Finished Airing
- Aired: Apr 7, 2017 to Jun 23, 2017
- Premiered: Spring 2017
- Broadcast: Fridays at 01:58 (JST)
- Producers: TBS, Kodansha, NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan, NichiNare, GYAO!
- Licensors: Funimation
- Studios: Xebec
- Source: Light novel
- Genres: Sci-Fi, Fantasy
- Duration: 24 min. per ep.
- Rating: PG-13 – Teens 13 or older
- Clockwork Planet anime