Tsurune! Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu anime
“Tsurune”–It is the noise created by the bowstring when an arrow is released, along with the noise which motivated Minato Narumiya to learn Kyuudo, a modern Japanese martial art focusing on archery. But, an episode during his past middle school tournament induced him to give up the game.But soon, several factors conspire to create Minato take the bow up again: the beginning of a brand new Kyuudo club at his high school, a chance encounter with a mysterious archer, along with the aid of his childhood buddies, Seiya Takehaya and Ryouhei Yamanouchi. With his childhood friends and his new teammates, Kaito Onogi and Nanao Kisaragi, Minato rekindles his passion for Kyuudo and functions with his team supporting their goal of winning the prefectural championship.