Genres: ComedyDramaK dramaRomanceSupernatural
Status: completed Views: 141
The Miracle Korean drama
How can twins be so different? Kwon Shi Ah has the gorgeous sister stunning in every way, and a part of the affluent girl group called Miracle Girls. Since her time in preschool, Shia has worked as model and later as an actress in her teens until she became an idol. Shi Yeon, her twin sister Shi Yeon, is almost double the that of Shi Ah and has always been bullied and ridiculed in schools for her massive frame. This is why Shi Yeon has become a recluse who would rather stay at home and creating an Internet broadcast from the comfort of her home. The only occasion Shi Yeon ventures out is to visit a mysterious card reader who hands Shi Yeon a magical tarot card every single day. But the twins have their lives turned in a completely different direction when they get up the next day to realize that their souls are in different bodies! What do idol musicians and Shi Yeon’s high-school crush imagine of the women they believed they knew?
- Drama: The Miracle
- Country: South Korea
- Episodes: 12
- Aired: Dec 12, 2016 – Dec 23, 2016
- Original Network: Naver TV Cast
- Duration: 15 min.
- Native Title: 더 미라클
- Also Known As: The 미라클 , My Secret Diary ,
- Genres: Comedy, Romance, Drama, Supernatural