Genres: ComedyDramaJapanese dramaRomance
Status: completed Views: 484
Manhattan Love Story Japanese drama
The next door to Chuo TV’s offices There is “Manhattan,” a coffee shop for coffee lovers. The proprietor’s love for espresso is over like a disease and all he desires is for his customers to be able to enjoy their cup of coffee. He’s a man of only a few words. If he must make a statement, he will ask the waiting staff member Shinobu Gamo who speaks on for him. The name of the owner isn’t known. He prefers to be called the shop’s’ “Master” rather than the proprietor – but and nobody knows this. He is a dedicated supplier of coffee. However, despite his best wishes that his customers aren’t actually come to taste his coffee. They’re there for affection. The shop is the place for dates or marriage proposals, as well as breaking ups. The owner doesn’t reveal the signs, but it is a pity for him to see that his customers are so consumed with matters of the heart and not about coffee.
- Drama: Manhattan Love Story
- Country: Japan
- Episodes: 11
- Aired: Oct 9, 2003 – Dec 18, 2003
- Aired On: Thursday
- Original Network: TBS
- Duration: 45 min.
- Native Title: マンハッタンラブストーリ
- Also Known As:
- Screenwriter: Kudo Kankuro
- Director: Doi Nobuhiro, Katayama Osamu, Tsuboi Toshio
- Genres: Comedy, Romance, Drama