Positive Physique Korean drama
Hwan Dong is a film major who is currently preparing for his graduation as a movie director. Although his script is awarded a grand prize for excellence, he has to face difficulties while trying to complete the film. He asks Hye Jung, his ex-girlfriend, to take the lead role in his production. She is undoubtedly surprised by his bold request.
- Drama: Positive Physique
- Country: South Korea
- Episodes: 6
- Aired: Oct 31, 2016 – Nov 4, 2016
- Original Network: Naver TV Cast
- Duration: 10 min.
- Native Title: 긍정이 체질
- Also Known As: Geungjeongi Chejil , Be Positive ,
- Screenwriter & Director: Lee Byung Hun
- Genres: Comedy, Romance, Drama