Genres: chinese moviecrime
Status: completed Views: 102
The Bargain chinese movie
Liu wants to sell his unprofitable travel agency business. One day, when one of his employees falls into a coma for a dubious reason, his family and relatives come to Liu, demanding a settlement. Meanwhile, Liu’s ex-wife Tao Qing, a middle school teacher, is troubled by her lover who keeps on delaying their marriage, and his teenage daughter, while her son Yi Fan, who has no experiences or skills to show for or things he wants to do, happens to befriend a group of people who illegally drive cars.
Movie: The Bargain
Country: China
Release Date: Oct 10, 2021
Duration: 1 hr. 58 min.
Content Rating: 15+ – Teens 15 or older
Also Known As:
Genres: Crime, Family