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Zack Snyder's Justice League

Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Zack Snyder's Justice League Movie Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince try to bring the metahumans of Earth together after the death of Clark Kent. Meanwhile, Darkseid sends Steppenwolf to Earth with a vast army to subjugate humans. Initial release: 18 March...

Warcraft Movie

Warcraft Movie

Warcraft Movie A few human survivors must team up with a group of dissenting Orcs to stop an Orc horde from invading their planet through a magic portal. Release date: 10 June 2016  Director: Duncan Jones Box office: $439 million Based on: Warcraft; by Blizzard...

Mai-Hime anime


Mai-Hime anime Fuuka Academy has brought thirteen girls with the ability of transforming into "Elements" or summoning metallic guardians called "Childs", to fight mysterious Orphans. They must choose who and why they care about, each with their own personalities and backgrounds....

The Severing Crime Edge anime

The Severing Crime Edge

The Severing Crime Edge anime Kiri Haimura is obsessed with beautiful hair, and specifically cutting it. This strange trait leads him to search for a long-haired ghost that lives in an abandoned house high up on the hill. He finds Iwai Mushanokouji...

11Eyes anime


11Eyes anime Satsuki Kakeru is unsure what to do when the Sky turns red and the Moon turns black, and the streets are filled with monsters. Yuka, his best friend, and Satsuki Kakeru try to figure out why they were sent...

Walkure Romanze anime

Walkure Romanze

Walkure Romanze anime The story takes place at Winford Academy, an old town called Helen's Hill. It is about knights as well as the sport of jousting. Students learn to ride horses, joust and become knights at this school. Takahiro Mizuno, a...

Evangelion 3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon A Time Movie

Evangelion 3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon A Time Movie

Evangelion 3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon A Time Movie Shinji Ikari, who has lost his will to live and is still lost, finds hope in the place where he arrives. The Instrumentality Project is finally in motion, and Wille makes one final desperate...

Peace Maker Kurogane anime

Peace Maker Kurogane

Peace Maker Kurogane anime Although he was traumatized by the murder of his parents by the Choushuu, Ichimura Tetsunosuke's desire for strength led him to seek revenge. Tetsunosuke, at the age of 15, approached the Shinsengumi to ask if he could...

Desert Punk anime

Desert Punk

Desert Punk anime Post-apocalyptic Japan is now dominated by the Great Kanto Desert. It is a deserted wasteland with ruins and sand. For survival, the once-fair population has been forced to cling onto inhospitable dunes. That is at least what it seems...

Ni no Kuni movie

Ni no Kuni

Ni no Kuni Movie Yuu, Haru and Kotona are best friends. They live a peaceful high school life. However, one day, a suspicious male pursues and stabs Kotona. Yuu and Haru are unable to stop the catastrophe. The boys rush...

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