Genres: ComedyPhilippines movieRomance
Status: completed Views: 130
Boyette Philippines movie
Boyette is a college freshman whose journey of self-discovery brings him on a literal adventure.
In college, he meets new friends, Nancy and Charles, who become instrumental in coming to terms with his identity.
Complicating his internal tug of war — resulting in hilarious and heartwarming moments — are his aspiration of joining a dance club, but on the condition of keeping a “macho” image; as well as his relationship with his father.
Movie: Boyette
Country: Philippines
Release Date: Nov 27, 2020
Duration: 1 hr. 52 min.
Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
Native Title: Boyette: Not a Girl, Yet
Also Known As:
Screenwriter: Carmi Raymundo
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Youth