Combatants Will Be Dispatched! anime
As a primary operative of this villainous Kisaragi Corporation, Sentouin Roku-gou receives requests to assist the business conquer the whole known world. Tasked with infiltrating the realm of Grace–a mission which could alter the destiny of the entire world –Roku-gou wrongly believes that his abilities as a combatant are excellent, fuelling his arrogant attitude. To guarantee the achievement of this assignment, Alice Kisaragi, a unique android using a young look named after the firm itself, is delegated to function as Roku-gou’s journey companion.Upon his arrival in the outskirts of this realm, Alice and Roku-gou experience Snow, the commander of the nation’s royal guard. Snow leads the group into a busted legendary artifact, also Roku-gou seizes the chance for a long-awaited advertising in his organization and changes that the recitation for the ritual into an embarrassing term. As punishment, the princess of this kingdom compels Roku-gou to be an honorary knight, fulfilling a portion of the assignment.