Falling for Do Jeon Korean drama
Na Do Jeon, a shy but vibrant boy who works as an Pierrot clown due to the fact that he enjoys laughing with people. Ban Hana is a girl who is aspiring to start an own restaurant. They happen to run into each other and start a relationship. The story follows their unwavering struggle to stop the closing of the One Plus club organization which is where they fell in love.
- Drama: Falling for Do Jeon
- Country: South Korea
- Episodes: 6
- Aired: Oct 26, 2015 – Oct 30, 2015
- Original Network: Naver TV Cast
- Duration: 13 min.
- Native Title: 도전에 반하다
- Also Known As: Dojeone Banhada , Falling For Challenge , Fall In Challenge , Fall In Do Jeon , Fall In Dojeon , Falling For Dojeon , Falling For Challenges
- Screenwriter & Director: Lim Suk Jin
- Genres: Comedy, Romance, Drama