Move to Heaven Korean drama
Geu Roo is an young man with autism. He is employed for the company of his father “Move To Heaven.” Their role is to sort things left behind by people who have died. A few days later, Geu Roo’s own father passes away. Geu Roo is left to himself and the uncle Sang Koo suddenly appears in his presence. Sang Koo is a cold and aloof man. The man was also a martial arts expert who participated in matches for the underground. He was sentenced to prison for what happened during the time of his fight. Sang Koo now becomes Geu Roo’s guardian. Geu Roo and Sang Koo run “Move To Heaven” together.
- Drama: Move to Heaven
- Country: South Korea
- Episodes: 10
- Aired: May 14, 2021
- Aired On: Friday
- Original Network: Netflix
- Duration: 52 min.
- Native Title: 무브 투 헤븐: 나는 유품정리사입니다
- Also Known As: Move To Heaven: I Am a Person Who Arranges Articles Left by Deceased , Move to Heaven: I Clean Dead People’s Possessions , Move To Heaven: Naneun Yoopoomjungrisaibmida , Mubeu Tu Hebeun: Naneun Yoopoomjungrisaibmida
- Screenwriter: Yoon Ji Ryun
- Director: Kim Sung Ho
- Genres: Life, Drama, Family