Prosecutor Princess Korean drama
Ma Hye Ri is an exceptional woman who has a great memory and is able to concentrate. This helped her pass the bar exam easily. Despite her talent, she is more interested being trendy and less about hard work. She is not the ideal prosecutor and is unsure if she is suitable for the job. Hye Ri develops as a great prosecutor through her struggles with difficult cases and conflicts with senior colleagues.
- Drama: Prosecutor Princess
- Country: South Korea
- Episodes: 16
- Aired: Mar 31, 2010 – May 20, 2010
- Aired On: Wednesday, Thursday
- Original Network: SBS
- Duration: 1 hr. 10 min.
- Native Title: 검사 프린세스
- Also Known As: Prosecutor Mata Hari , Geomsa Peurinseseu
- Screenwriter: So Hyun Kyung
- Director: Jin Hyeok
- Genres: Comedy, Law, Romance, Drama