Genres: K drama
Status: completed Views: 133
Rich Man Korean drama
Prosopagnosia is a man who meets a woman who is extraordinary. Lee Yoo Chan is founder and CEO at Next In, an IT company that has been one of the most sought-after places to work. Prosopagnosia is a condition that causes him to not recognize faces. This makes him extremely cautious and distrustful of others. Kim Bo Ra, a Jeju Island native who moved to Seoul to study at college, is the pride and joy of her community. Her dream is to work at Next In after she graduates. Will their lives be changed when Bo Ra meets Yoo Chen?
- Native Title: 리치맨
- Also Known As: Rich Man, Poor Woman , Richimaen
- Director: Min Doo Shik
- Screenwriter: Hwang Jo Yoon
- Genres: Friendship, Business, Comedy, Romance, Melodrama