So Not Worth it korean drama
New acquaintances, new passions and fresh experiences mix together in a lively college dormitory located in Seoul that is the home of students from all over the globe. Se Wan is a teaching assistant responsible for the management of the dorm. Jamie is a fresh student in the dorm who is originally from America. Sam is the child of the head of the tteokbokki global food chain that was born in Australia. Minnie is an undergraduate college student in Thailand who has lots of dreams after the television and Korean dramas. Hyun Min is an undocumented Korean student who isn’t permitted to stay in the dorms and must travel for five hours every daily to get to school.
- Drama: So Not Worth it
- Country: South Korea
- Episodes: 12
- Aired: Jun 18, 2021
- Aired On: Friday
- Original Network: Netflix
- Duration: 35 min.
- Native Title: 내일 지구가 망해버렸으면 좋겠어
- Also Known As: Hope That The Earth Collapses Tomorrow , I Wish the World Would End Tomorrow , I Wish the World Would be Destroyed Tomorrow , Naeil Jigooga Manghaebeoryeotseumyeon Joggeseo , Naeil Jiguga Manghaebeolyeosseumyeon Johgesseo
- Screenwriter: Seo Eun Jung, Baek Ji Hyun
- Director: Kwon Ik Joon, Kim Jung Shik
- Genres: Friendship, Comedy, Romance, Youth, Sitcom