Genres: ComedyKorean MoviesRomance
Status: completed Views: 638
Sweet & Sour korean movie
With real-world possibilities and difficulties, couples have to endure the ups and downs of trying to create a long-distance romance that will endure. The film follows Jang Hyuk, a guy who wishes to be able to combine work and affection with his partner Da Eun, and Bo Young is the woman he finds in a different setting. It’s a romantic comedy that explores the complex relationships between three individuals with different emotions.
- Movie: Sweet & Sour
- Country: South Korea
- Release Date: Jun 4, 2021
- Duration: 1 hr. 42 min.
- Native Title: 새콤달콤
- Also Known As: Sweet and Sour , Saekomdalkom
- Director: Lee Kye Byuk
- Genres: Comedy, Romance, Melodrama