Genres: Comedy
Status: completed Views: 588
The Dictator Movie
Gen. Aladeen (Sacha Baron Cohen) has ruled the oil-rich North African country of Wadiya since the age of six, when 97 stray bullets and a hand grenade killed his father in a hunting accident. After an assassination attempt takes the life of yet another body-double, Tamir (Ben Kingsley), Aladeen’s uncle and most trusted adviser, convinces Aladeen to go to New York. Unfortunately, Aladeen has a less-than-friendly reception from exiled Wadiyans, who want their country freed from his despotic rule.
Rating: R (Language|Brief Male Nudity|Some Violent Images|Strong Crude & Sexual Content)
Genre: Comedy
Original Language: English
Director: Larry Charles
Producer: Sacha Baron Cohen, Alec Berg, David Mandel, Jeff Schaffer, Anthony Hines, Scott Rudin, Todd Schulman
Writer: Sacha Baron Cohen, Alec Berg, David Mandel, Jeff Schaffer
Release Date (Theaters): May 16, 2012 Wide
Release Date (Streaming): Aug 21, 2012
Box Office (Gross USA): $59.6M
Runtime: 1h 23m
Distributor: Paramount Pictures
Production Co: Scott Rudin Productions, Berg Mandel Schaffer, Four by Two Films