Battle Athletess Daiundoukai ReSTART! anime
Humanity began to colonize the entire solar system as technology improved. They occupied planetary facilities from Mercury through Pluto. The “Daiundoukai” is a large-scale, international athletic tournament where many aspiring female athletes compete from around the solar system. The “Cosmo Beauty” is the winner of the tournament, and receives a crown like status.
Kanata Akehoshi, an outgoing potato farmer, was a child when she saw a meteor-like object fall from the sky and crash into a nearby forest. She saw the spaceship was damaged and the girl inside it, which she believed had been weakened by the impact. Kanata was presented with two wristbands by the girl, along with a request to join the Daiundoukai as the Cosmo Beauty. Kanata agreed, but before Kanata could ask the girl her name, she mysteriously vanished, leaving nothing behind, not even the crater from the crash. Kanata has been training since then to fulfill her promise.
Kanata wins the qualifying round to represent Earth. She then goes to University Satellite, where she and other applicants study to prepare for the competition. She makes friends with her fellow competitors and helps them to get along better so they can win more games. Kanata’s chances of winning the title increase, and she meets the girl who changed her destiny. She also discovers a deeper meaning behind Daiundoukai.