Dive!! anime
The show revolves around the Mizuki Diving Club (MDC), which can be on the point of shutting down following having financial issues. The club’s new coach persuades the club’s parent company to remain open on one condition: the club sends among its members to the next year’s Olympics within Japan’s Olympic team.
Alternative Titles
English: DIVE!!
Japanese: DIVE!!
Dive!! anime
Type: TV
Episodes: 12
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Jul 7, 2017 to Sep 22, 2017
Premiered: Summer 2017
Broadcast: Fridays at 00:55 (JST)
Producers: Aniplex, Dentsu, Fuji TV, DMM pictures
Licensors: Sentai Filmworks
Studios: Zero-G
Source: Novel
Genres: Comedy, Sports
Duration: 22 min. per ep.
Rating: PG-13 – Teens 13 or older
Dive!! anime