Godzilla Planet of the Monsters Movie
Twenty five years following the fall of humankind, Earth appeared to legions of ravenous animals who freely roam Earth. Far from the depths of space, the last surviving members of humankind float aimlessly in precisely the exact same boat they escaped Earth with all these ages back. Together with the spacecraft running perilously low on funds, the survivors’ top council must determine on their path ahead: if they continue to bet on locating a different Earth-like planet to occupy, or simply take to center an anonymous article theorizing what might be the only real weakness of this”Godzilla,” who pressured the final remnants of humankind off their home world?The writer of this controversial article is Haruo, a guy who watched the passing of his parents to Godzilla in a young age, that has led him to harbor a obsessive hatred to its creature. He spearheads the performance geared toward regaining humanity’s birthright in the King of critters and slay him once and for all. However, alongside humankind, Earth has experienced drastic change because their death; Godzilla and its many spawns may pale compared to the shadow lurking inside the hearts of the close-knit neighborhood of survivors.