Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom (2006) Movie
Kakashi Hatake and Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno are assigned to take the extravagant Prince Michiru Tsuki, along with his son Hikaru, to the Land of Moon. As if the task of guarding two high-ranking, whimsical individuals wasn’t difficult enough, the prince’s foolish decision to purchase an entire circus while they travel – mainly to entertain Hikaru’s desire to own the saber-toothed Tiger featured in the show – further propels the mission into chaos.
Just as things seem to be settling down, Michiru’s convoy arrives at the Land of Moon to face an unexpected crisis. The greedy Chief Minister Shabadaba, assisted by mysterious, powerful Ninjas, has overthrown the country. Kakashi’s army relentlessly fights against the enemy, but the two princes find themselves forced to face a new outlook on life in the face of adversity.