Hello World movie
The year is 2027, and the town of Kyoto has experienced tremendous technological progress. Within town resides Naomi Katagaki, a socially awkward and introverted boy with a passion for books, also Ruri Ichigyou, a girl with a cold character who’s often blunt with individuals, but shares his love for reading. Despite having similar interests, Naomi is fearful to approach Ruri because of her nature.1 afternoon, as Naomi goes outside for a stroll, a red aurora pierces through the skies for a short moment before vanishing. Soon afterhe sees a three-legged crow along with a mysterious hooded guy who shows himself to become Naomi from a decade in the future, explaining that he’s come to alter an imminent tragic event which occurs to Ruri soon after they begin dating. Hello World concentrates on the current Naomi together with himself from ten years into the future. With the support of his future , Naomi begins his preparations to rescue Ruri. Will he have the ability to alter the future?