Hidan no Aria Special
The story is set in Tokyo Butei high school, where special schools are used to train armed detectives (or “Butei”) to use weapons. Kinji Tooyama, a second year student, has a special ability. He keeps it a secret in order to live an ordinary, peaceful existence. However, he is caught in a bombing while on his way to school and encounters H. Aria Kanzaki (the most powerful S-Rank Butei student studying Assault Studies).
Alternative Titles
English: Aria the Scarlet Ammo Special
Synonyms: Hidan no Aria Special
Japanese: 緋弾のアリア 武偵が来たりて温泉研修
Hidan no Aria Special
Type: Special
Episodes: 1
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Dec 21, 2011
Producers: flying DOG
Licensors: Funimation
Studios: J.C.Staff
Source: Light novel
Genres: Action, Mystery, Comedy, Romance
Duration: 24 min.
Rating: PG-13 – Teens 13 or older
Hidan no Aria Special