Ingress The Animation anime
A project was started where scientists found a mysterious substance which may interface directly with the individual mind. This material, known as”Exotic Issue (XM),” has been around since ancient times, affecting human minds along with the advancement of humankind. In the aftermath of this discovery, a conflict of strong nations and corporate giants was unleashed. Organizations across the world have embarked on a key race to exploit XM. Two Factions attempts to control the XM. The Enlightened view XM’s power for a present that enriches human expertise and discovery. XM, and the mystery behind it lie in the middle of the battle for the destiny of humankind.2018–Today, a new battle is going to unfold in Tokyo and throughout the world. Dangerous and strong forces trying to exploit the capacity of XM will collide. This revolutionary project will indicate the start of an epic augmented-reality adventure blending the three components of cartoon, location-based gaming, along with the actual world.
Alternative Titles
- Ingress The Animation manga
- MAL ID: 37438
- Audio: English
- Type: ONA
- Episodes: 11
- Status: Finished Airing
- Aired: Oct 18, 2018
- Producers: Fuji TV, NIANTIC
- Licensors: None found, add some
- Studios: Craftar Studios
- Source: Game
- Genres: Action, Game, Sci-Fi, Mystery
- Duration: 23 min. per ep.
- Rating: None
- Ingress The Animation anime