Isekai Cheat Magician anime
Taichi Nishimura, a regular high school student, and Rin Azuma his childhood friend are walking to school on an ordinary morning. A glowing light suddenly surrounds them and transports them to a fantasy land full of magical creatures.
Taichi and Rin are attacked by a beast upon their arrival. A group of adventurers quickly saves them. They warn the pair that being unarmed and inexperienced make them more vulnerable to increasing attacks from monsters. Taichi and Rin are directed towards the Guild to determine their magical abilities and register as adventurers. The test they take turns out to be an extraordinary result. Taichi and Rin have incredible powers that surpass those of a standard mage. They instantly transform from high school students into cheat magicians.
Taichi and Rin discover the full power of their abilities and become familiar with their new environment. Unexpected trouble lurks beneath the surface as the pair tries to discover the cause of their transport and find a way to return to their original world.