Mai-Hime anime
Fuuka Academy has brought thirteen girls with the ability of transforming into “Elements” or summoning metallic guardians called “Childs”, to fight mysterious Orphans. They must choose who and why they care about, each with their own personalities and backgrounds.
Alternative Titles
English: My-Hime
Synonyms: My Princess
Japanese: 舞-HiME
Mai-Hime anime
Type: TV
Episodes: 26
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Sep 30, 2004 to Mar 31, 2005
Premiered: Fall 2004
Broadcast: Fridays at 01:30 (JST)
Producers: Bandai Visual, TV Tokyo Music, Studio Zain
Licensors: Funimation, Bandai Entertainment
Studios: Sunrise
Source: Original
Genres: Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Magic, Mecha, Romance, School, Shoujo Ai
Duration: 23 min. per ep.
Rating: PG-13 – Teens 13 or older
Mai-Hime anime