Marchen madchen anime
Hazuki Kagimura is a socially shy girl who has no friends. Having been adopted recently she is struggling to make connections with the new members of her family. The only way to escape the dreadful reality is the pages of stories , where her imagination is awe-inspiring and lets her experience her hopes of adventure and friendship. One day, a relic of a mysterious book appears in her bag of books. As she makes her way back to the library in order to return the book, Hazuki sees a familiar girl , who appears to be unnoticed by anyone else other than her. In deciding to go with her Hazuki finds herself in a secret library, where a world that she thought was only in her imagination is waiting for her.
Marchen Madchen recounts the story of how Hazuki met with Shizuka Tsuchimikado, her first acquaintance, and then discovering that she was selected by the original print from Cinderella in order to be a formidable mage, also known by the name of An Origin Master. Hazuki joins Kuzunoha Girls’ Magic Academy where she learns to overcome her fears and believes in her abilities to write her own unique story.