Genres: DramaKorean Movies
Status: completed Views: 749
My First Client korean movie
Jung Yup is trying to get the position of an attorney for an attorney firm located in Seoul. The process isn’t so simple for him, considering Jung Yup being from a smaller city. While he’s there, he is starting working in an organization for children’s welfare located in his hometown. He travels with a colleague at the center for children on a visit to the police department, where he meet the 10-year-old Da Bin. Da Bin, a young girl, reported to authorities that Ji Sook, her mother’s step-mother snatched her in her neck, however there’s nothing Jung Yup is able to do. Da Bin is returned to her family. Da Bin and her 7-year-old brother Min Joon start going to Jung Yup at the child welfare center each day. Jung Yup tries to be with them in order to do his job. Jung Yup is aware that the children are being abused by their stepmothers, but there is no way to intervene. Jung Yup then learns that the firm has hired him to work for an law firm located in Seoul. After leaving behind Da Bin and Ji Sook Ji Sook, he travels to Seoul. Then, one day, he gets an email stating saying that Da Bin has killed her younger brother Min Joon.
- Movie: My First Client
- Country: South Korea
- Release Date: May 22, 2019
- Duration: 1 hr. 54 min.
- Native Title: 어린 의뢰인
- Also Known As: Eorin Euiroiin , Young Clients , Eorin Uiroein , Orin Uiroein
- Director: Jang Gyu Sung
- Genres: Law, Drama, Family