Neon Genesis Evangelion anime
In the year 2015, the world stands on the edge of destruction. Gendou Ikari, head of their company, seeks suitable pilots that will synchronize with all the Evangelions and recognize their true potential. Aiding in this defensive project are gifted staff Misato Katsuragi, Head of Tactical Operations, and Ritsuko Akagi, Chief Scientist.Face to face with his dad for the very first time in years, 14-year-old Shinji Ikari’s everyday life is irreversibly altered when he’s hauled away to the depths of Nerv, and to some fresh fate –he has to eventually become the pilot of Evangelion Unit-01 together with the destiny of humankind on his shoulders.Composed by Hideaki Anno, Neon Genesis Evangelion is a epic story of a young boy who’ll eventually become a legend. However, as this emotional drama unfolds, historical secrets beneath the large image start to bubble to the surface…
Alternative Titles
- English: Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Synonyms: Shinseiki Evangelion
- Japanese: 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン
- Neon Genesis Evangelion manga
- Type: TV
- Episodes: 26
- Audio: English
- Status: Finished Airing
- Aired: Oct 4, 1995 to Mar 27, 1996
- Premiered: Fall 1995
- Broadcast: Wednesdays at 18:30 (JST)
- Producers: TV Tokyo, Kadokawa Shoten, Nihon Ad Systems, Audio Tanaka
- Licensors: ADV Films
- Studios: Gainax, Tatsunoko Production
- Source: Original
- Genres: Action, Sci-Fi, Dementia, Psychological, Drama, Mecha
- Duration: 24 min. per ep.
- Rating: PG-13 – Teens 13 or older
- Neon Genesis Evangelion anime