Omamori Himari anime
Following the passing of his parents, Yuuto Amakawa resides a fairly regular life in town. The only problem he’s got to be concerned about while attending college together with Rinko, his stay-at-home neighbor, is his cat bites. That all changes on his sixteenth birthday, if an Ayakashi–a supernatural monster –strikes for the sins of his ancestors. Fortunately, he’s rescued by Himari, a mysterious cat-woman using a sword, that clarifies Yuuto is the scion of a family of demon-slayers, and she’s there to shield him that the charm which kept him hidden in the supernatural forces of the planet has lost its ability. Omamori Himari chronicles Yuuto’s deals with the numerous forces of the supernatural world, in addition to the rising number of girls that appear on his own doorstep, each using their own dark desires. Will Yuuto have the ability to adapt to his new”exciting” surroundings?
Alternative Titles
- English: Omamori Himari
- Synonyms: Protective Charm Himari, OmaHima
- Japanese: おまもりひまり
- Omamori Himari manga
- MAL ID: 6324
- Type: TV
- Audio:English
- Episodes: 12
- Status: Finished Airing
- Aired: Jan 7, 2010 to Mar 25, 2010
- Premiered: Winter 2010
- Broadcast: Thursdays at 01:30 (JST)
- Producers: Kadokawa Shoten, Kadokawa Pictures Japan, KlockWorx, NTT Docomo
- Licensors: Funimation
- Studios: Zexcs
- Source: Manga
- Genres: Action, Harem, Comedy, Demons, Supernatural, Romance, Ecchi, Fantasy
- Duration: 24 min per ep
- Rating: R+ – Mild Nudity
- Omamori Himari anime