Ozark Season 1
Created by Bill Dubuque (“The Accountant,” “The Judge”), this drama series stars Jason Bateman as Marty Byrde, a financial planner who relocates his family from Chicago to a summer resort community in the Ozarks. With wife Wendy and their two kids in tow, Marty is on the move after a money-laundering scheme goes wrong, forcing him to pay off a substantial debt to a Mexican drug lord in order to keep his family safe. While the Byrdes’ fate hangs in the balance, the dire circumstances force the fractured family to reconnect.
First episode date: 21 July 2017
Awards: Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series.
Genres: Thriller, Drama, Crime film
Nominations: Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series.
Writers: Bill Dubuque, Chris Mundy, Mark Williams.