The Black Troop Season 1 anime
Leona, the Sun Goddess of Solari, arrived on Earth in 2014. The genetics of God, which were hidden in Earth’s history, have begun to awaken. The Power of the Galaxy, and God of War are just a few of the first awakenings. A Tao Tie invasion is planned to bring Death God Karthus to Earth.The Angels, the Devils, and God Seminary groups have been watching the genetics of God in Earth’s history to determine their movements. The God Seminary gathered the scattered warriors from all over the world who have the genetics to create the Black Troops. Radiant Dawn, Leona is the leader of the team and teaches them combat techniques to resist the invasion.Morgana, the Fallen Angel, came to Earth to sow darkness seeds and to plot to destroy Holy Kayle. Angel Yan was sent to Earth to inform Tao Tie about the invasion of Styx galaxy.The battlefield of war between different civilizations has been made possible by the destruction of Earth. The Black Troops will soon realize that they are doing more than they were asked to as the disasters continue.