Zetman anime
The story starts off with a face-off involving two rival personalities, ZET and ALPHAS, then traces their roots – Jin Kanzaki, a young guy with the capability to transform into a superhuman known as ZET, also Kouga Amagi, a young guy with a strong sense of justice that utilizes technology to combat as ALPHAS. The fates of both of these guys and people around them intertwine as they struggle to protect humanity and ruin monstrous abominations called Players.
Alternative Titles
English: Zetman
Japanese: ゼットマン
Type: TV
Episodes: 13
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Apr 3, 2012 to Jun 26, 2012
Premiered: Spring 2012
Broadcast: Unknown
Producers: TV Asahi, Asatsu DK, YTV, Toho, Sakura Create, TMS Music
Licensors: VIZ Media, NYAV Post
Studios: TMS Entertainment
Source: Manga
Genres: Action, Drama, Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Supernatural
Duration: 24 min. per ep.
Rating: R+ – Mild Nudity